
Komplexe Systeme neigen zu komplexen Fehlern
Einfache Systeme hingegen neigen zu komplexen Fehlern
netPBX - help us

  • Callback:
     Ring the mentioned number and wait for a busy indication before you hangup. You will be called back by the system within a few seconds. You will be provided with a dialtone, which lets you dial either a complete number or a shortdial.
  • ShortDial:
     If you can't remember long phone numbers, this is for you. Simply save a two digit code together with the name and number and use it instead of dialing the long number.
  • ConfCall:
     All checked participants will be invited to your personal conference room.
  • Features:
     If you want to initiate another call after finishing one, just hit the asterisk key ("*") instead of hanging up and wait for the dial tone. Whenever you mistyped a number just wait patiently for a timeout. You will be provided a dial tone thereafter.
     Additionally the following internal numbers exist:
       96XX - Mailboxes for VoIP clients
       97XX - Conference rooms

  by Gaussdivision